Vazou a faixa completa Numb de Rihanna que conta com a participação de Eminem. A faixa contém uma melodia meio suave e repetitiva, que difere um pouco dos estilos já cantados pela cantora. Ouça abaixo a música com o vídeo e a letra logo abaixo. the air
I don't care, can't tell me nothing
I'm impaired, the worst to wear
I'm going numb, I'm going numb
(Let the champagne smash, Let the man get cash)
I'm going numb, I'm going numb
(Let the champagne smash, Let the man get cash)
I'm going numb, I'm going numb
I'm going numb, I'm going numb
I'm going numb, I'm going numb...
Can't you say....
Catch yourself in the clear
If you dare
I double dare
I'm going numb, I'm going numb
(Let the champagne smash, Let the man get cash)
I'm going numb, I'm going numb
(Let the champagne smash, Let the man get cash)
I'm going numb, I'm going numb
I'm going numb, I'm going numb
I'm going numb, I'm going numb...
I'm class, look me in my eyeball
Do I look high? no..
I love the way you lie girl, yeah, yeah
Come here dear, i'm trying to get closer to you
I'm motioning you to pull over you boo
I'm the siren that you hear, hear
I'm the butt police, and i'm looking at your rear rear rear
But the odds are I'mma end up in the back of a squad car
By the end of tonight
I'm a rock star
Get your wind up
It's attack of the Oddball
Homie can you show me where the gosh darn bath salts are
Cause I'm sick of sniffing asphalt
Every thought scarred got my pants off at the crosswalk
And suspenders, and I can't feel my lips cause
I'm going numb, I'm going numb
(Let the champagne smash, Let the man get cash)
I'm going numb, I'm going numb
(Let the champagne smash, Let the man get cash)
I'm going numb, I'm going numb
I'm going numb, I'm going numb
I'm going numb, I'm going
Ouça Numb, música de Rihanna com Eminem
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Shows confirmados para 2014
- 15 Fev. - Estádio Western Springs - Auckland, Nova Zelândia
- 19 Fev. Estádio Etihad - Melbourne, Austrália
- 20 Fev. Estádio Suncorp - Brisbane, Austrália
- 22 Fev. - Estádio ANZ - Sydney, Austrália
- 26 Fev. - Estádio da Cidade do Cabo - Cidade do Cabo, África do Sul
- 01 Mar. - Estádio Ellis Park - Joanesburgo, África do Sul
- 10 Ago. Loggers Sports Grounds - Squamish, Canadá
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Proprietária: Bruna
Designer: Bruna
Twitter: @EminemMyDream
Google+: +TheEminemShowMania
Data de criação do Blog: 27/09/2011
Cidade: Goiânia - GO
Blog Archive
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Não é aquela música que vicia, mas é ''escutavel''